June 2024 Wheel Meeting

Thank you, CoLAB members, for attending the June 2024 CoLAB WHEEL meeting! We like to keep our members informed on the local regulatory issues impacting them. So here’s a quick recap of some of the issues we discussed last week at the CoLAB WHEEL meeting (with links to more info).

Special Topic A big THANK YOU to our special guest, Supervisor Vianey Lopez, District 5 (Oxnard)! 
Supervisor Lopez spoke to our members about the County’s efforts to support farmworker housing, battery energy storage to support grid reliability, and the challenges created by the huge December 2023 storm that dumped more than 1 billion gallons of water over Oxnard and Port Hueneme in less than 1 hour.
Supervisor Lopez was appointed as the District 5 Supervisor in 2022 to fill the vacancy created by the untimely death of Carmen Ramirez. She was just elected to the District 5 seat for her first full term and we look forward to working with her over the next 4 years!

Committee Reports
Water:California Fish and Game Commission will finalize the listing of the the Southern California Steelhead Trout/Rainbow Trout as “endangered” under the state Endangered Species Act (CESA)in August. In the meantime, California Department of Fish and Wildlife has threatened to start enforcement under the CESA, including going after holders of existing streambed alteration agreements who do not have incidental take permits for steelhead. The reservoirs are full! But Central Valley farmers are not going to be able to access all that water.  Federal water allocations have been topped at 40% of promised volumes. 
Housing:Permitting and regulatory “impact fees” now make up 20% of the total price for new housing in Ventura CountyVentura BOS looked into floating a local affordable housing bond on the November ballot. Surveyed voters said no. Could the Supreme Court Decision in Sheetz vs. El Dorado County help lower the price of housing in California?  
Energy:California’s reliance on imported oil is at record high levelsCalGEM hosts public workshop in Saticoy to discuss plans for abandoned and orphan oil wellsWho pays for orphan well abandonment in California? According to CalGEM, it’s primarily the oil companiesGas prices are going up – WAY up – in 2025…here’s why 
Land Use:BOS votes to amend Zoning Ordinance to allow (very limited) ag food processing – and EDC urges farmers to build food processing facilities The Water Board’s Ag Waste Discharge order for irrigated land could result in less farmland in Ventura County because of the requirement to install structural containment for water runoff. 

And a big THANK YOU to our June WHEEL Lunch Sponsor:

As Ventura County’s ambulance provider, AMR employs over 300 EMTs, Paramedics, and other support staff as part of its diverse and local work force. 
Did you know that every day – including weekends and holidays – there are 47 ambulances on the road, ready to respond to emergencies in Ventura County? Last year, AMR medical staff and ambulances responded to over 87,000 911-emergency calls and transported over 67,000 patients to local hospitals. And, thanks to AMR’s on-going commitment to giving back to the communities where their employees live and work, over 43,000 Ventura County residents received FREE CPR training – leading to a 45% increase in Ventura County patients who suffer a sudden cardiac event surviving neurologically intact. Learn more about this innovative company HERE.  
Join CoLAB to keep informed!CoLAB keeps you informed and educated about new and pending regulations. We fight for local property rights in Ventura County.
The WHEEL Committee typically meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 12:00 – 1:30 PM (Dark in October and December).
Join us for a discussion of issues related to Water, Housing, Energy, Environment, and Land Use.  We hope you will join us for our next meeting on July 17!
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Louise Lampara

Louise Lampara currently serves as the Executive Director of CoLab VC, bringing a dynamic blend of leadership, innovation, and community engagement to the forefront of the organization. With a keen eye for strategic development and a passion for fostering collaborative environments, Louise has been instrumental in driving CoLab VC's mission forward.

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