
Wheel Meetings: Shaping Ventura County Culture

Step into a forum where discussion drives action at our WHEEL Committee Meetings. At VC CoLAB, we invite all members to partake in focused dialogues on the foundational sectors that sustain and enhance our county: Water, Housing, Energy, Environment, and Land Use.

Upcoming WHEEL Meeting Information

Connect with Ventura County's leaders and influencers at the WHEEL Committee's monthly gathering. Discuss critical community issues and help shape our future. Always FREE for CoLAB members, join us on the third Wednesday, either via Zoom or at 1672 Donlon Street, Ventura. Not a CoLAB member yet but want to check it out? Contact info@colabvc.org today!

Guest Speaker

Kelly Long, VC Supervisor, District 3



September 18, 2024



12:00pm - 1:30pm


What Are WHEEL Meetings

Ventura County's CoLAB WHEEL meetings are the heart of our mission and commitment to fortify the pillars of our community—Water, Housing, Energy, Environment, and Land Use. Guided by experts in each field, WHEEL committee meetings are where knowledge of industry leaders transforms into actionable strategies that support our county’s vibrant economy and preserve the quality of life we all cherish. At the VC CoLAB WHEEL meetings, we give you the knowledge you need to transform information into action.

Ventura County Water

Our Economic Lifeline

Anthony Emmert, United Water Conservation District, gives us a dive deep into water management strategies critical for Ventura County's prosperity and the regulatory challenges that threaten our ability to get to a sustainable water supply. These discussions aim to support a healthy economic base and ensure sustainable practices that benefit labor, agriculture, and business while protecting our way of life and the environment.

Ventura County Water - wheel meeting
Ventura County housing - wheel meetings

Ventura County Housing

Community Health

Brad Golden, Fidelity Title, brings his expert housing analysis to our discussions on the state and local housing crisis. Our collaborative discussions focus on advancing housing initiatives that contribute to economic growth and the ability to maintain a skilled local workforce, all while preserving Ventura County’s unique community character.

Ventura County Energy

Economic Future

Amy Fonzo, Aera Energy LLC, leads the charge in navigating the world of energy production, technology, and regulations. We explore how to advocate for a reasonable, balanced approach that ensures a reliable and affordable energy supply – which is essential for the economic vitality of our labor and business sectors and the environmental health of our county and the world.

Ventura County energy - wheel meetings
Ventura County Environment

Ventura County Environment

Environmental Sustainablity

Guided by Helen Eloyan, Sespe Consulting, we delve into the ever-evolving world of local, state, and federal environmental regulations. We discuss the challenges of achieving environmental regulatory compliance as part of business and economic vitality, to promote sustainable practices to enhance local quality of life and protect the natural beauty of Ventura County.

Ventura County Land Use

Prosperity and Preservation

Led by Louise Lampara, VC CoLAB, our Land Use discussions focus on seeking solutions to develop reasonable and collaborative land-use policies that balance Ventura County's need for economic growth and vitality and the preservation of the open space and agricultural heritage we value in our community.

Ventura County Land Use - wheel meeting
wheel meeting logo

WHEEL News: Insights and Updates from Ventura County’s Key Sectors

Dive into the latest developments in Ventura County with WHEEL News. Our focused segments provide critical updates and expert perspectives on Water, Housing, Energy, Environment, and Land Use. Stay informed about the county's dynamic changes and how they impact our community and economy.

Wheel news discussion about Ventura County housing updates and more.

WHEEL News: An Insight into Water February 2024

By Louise Lampara | March 27, 2024

Special Topic Our special guest this month was Jodi Switzer, Water Program Director for the Farm Bureau Ventura County. Jodi provided an overview of…

Wheel news discussion about Ventura County housing updates and more.

WHEEL News: Ventura County Ag March 2024

By Louise Lampara | March 27, 2024

Special Topic Our March special guest was Ventura County Ag Commissioner Korinne Bell!  Commissioner Bell has worked for nearly two decades with the…

Wheel news discussion about Ventura County housing updates and more.

WHEEL News: An Insight into Ventura County’s Core Sectors for January 2024

By Louise Lampara | January 23, 2024

Local January 2024 Developments in Ventura County Thank you, CoLAB members, for attending the January CoLAB WHEEL meeting! We like to inform all…

Wheel news discussion about Ventura County housing updates and more.

WHEEL News: Ventura County Sustainability & Safety – Nov 22

By Louise Lampara | November 24, 2023

Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryhoff on Safety & Sustainability Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryhoff graced us this month, sharing the challenges and successes…

Wheel news discussion about Ventura County housing updates and more.

Wheel News: Our Local Economy & Business – September 2023

By Louise Lampara | September 25, 2023

Supervisor Janice Parvin on Our Local Economy & Business Thank you, CoLAB members, for attending the January CoLAB WHEEL meeting! We like to…

Join Us At Our Next WHEEL Meeting

Become a CoLAB Member to Join Our Next WHEEL Committee Meeting.