April 2024 Wheel Meeting

Thank you, CoLAB members, for attending the April 2024 CoLAB WHEEL meeting! We like to keep our members informed on the local regulatory issues impacting them. So here’s a quick recap of some of the issues we discussed last week at the CoLAB WHEEL meeting (with links to more info).

Special Topic Our special guest this month was Ventura County District 1 Supervisor Matt Lavere! Supervisor Lavere was instrumental in supporting our local agricultural industry to resolve and correct the County’s 2040 General Plan policies that harmed farming (CoLAB Roundup, February 6, 2023). At the April WHEEL meeting, he shared his vision for the County’s future that involves wise, but needed, growth and housing to create a strong and vibrant business and ag economy, while preserving the local heritage that makes Ventura County a place we all want to be.  Supervisor Lavere told us about recent promising developments at the County – including the soon-to-be established Agricultural Roundtable, designed to bring growers together with County officials to openly discuss issues and seek solutions, and the creation of a new Agricultural Permit Manager position at the County to help process permit applications for growers. CoLAB is working hard to be closely involved in both efforts.  We also discussed why a change away from a “no-growth mentality” was necessary. “Some counties in California have gone the route [of no-growth] and that may work for them. But if you look at the list of the 10 poorest counties in California, you’ll see it’s the same counties. So we have to embrace [wise change] or die.” But he also emphasized the need to maintain the things that are our strengths, including agriculture and our County’s spirit of innovation.  Supervisor Lavere was just re-elected to the District 1 seat for his second term and we look forward to working with him over the next four years! 

Committee Reports
Water:California Fish and Game Commission will hear arguments on whether to permanently list the Steelhead trout as endangered on April 17 and 18…even though the state Fish and Wildlife Department admits they have no tracking data to support such a listing. Do you want to share your thoughts with the Fish and Game Commission on this issue? Directions to send in comments can be found HERE. Did you see our OpEd in the Fillmore Gazette advocating for critical upgrades in our water delivery infrastructure?
Housing:How did your legislators vote in Sacramento? A recent CalMatters report reveals all. Can building “market rate” housing get us out of the housing crisis?Board of Supervisors is considering a new bond for affordable housing The median mortgage payment in Ventura County is now OVER $5,000/month…and you need to earn $15,000/month to be able to afford it. 
Energy:BOS voted 4-1 to settle the General Plan lawsuits with oil  
Environmental:  US EPA releases stronger federal clean air standardsA zoning ordinance amendment to support the development of battery energy storage facilities in the unincorporated areas of the County is coming to the BOS on May 17  
Land Use: Proposed zoning ordinance amendments to allow for limited ag food processing facilities is coming to the BOS in JuneOur friends at Pacific Legal Foundation have racked up another win on behalf of property rights at the U.S. Supreme Court! To quote PLF: “Don’t let the government win by submission“And – spoiler alert! PLF is coming to tell CoLAB members the full story and what this win may mean for permitting and property rights on June 27 – mark that date in your calendar. You don’t want to miss it! Event announcement coming soon.

And a big THANK YOU to our April WHEEL Lunch Sponsor:
A locally owned and community-oriented energy company! 
With operations from Rincon to Piru and more than 140 local employees in head-of-household jobs, CalNRG is also developing the largest solar project in Ventura County. The team at CalNRG recently completed one of the largest well elimination projects in the region, returning more than 30 acres of land back to working agriculture in the Oxnard Plain. And they also recently removed a former refinery site – and were able to preserve a vital piece of our County’s history while doing so! Learn more about this innovative and energetic company HERE.  
Less than 2 weeks until the 2024 Annual Spring Fling! Click HERE to get your tickets today! 
Join CoLAB to keep informed!CoLAB keeps you informed and educated about new and pending regulations. We fight for local property rights in Ventura County.
The WHEEL Committee typically meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 1:00 – 2:30 PM (Dark in August, October andDecember).
Join us for a discussion of issues related to Water, Housing, Energy, Environment, and Land Use.  We hope you will join us for our next meeting on May 15!
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Louise Lampara

Louise Lampara currently serves as the Executive Director of CoLab VC, bringing a dynamic blend of leadership, innovation, and community engagement to the forefront of the organization. With a keen eye for strategic development and a passion for fostering collaborative environments, Louise has been instrumental in driving CoLab VC's mission forward.

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