Fillmore Gazette: Ventura Needs Reliable Water Supply

Ventura County Water - wheel meeting

VIEW FULL ARTICLE HERE Submission: Ventura Needs Reliable Water Supply Location: Fillmore Gazette Thursday, March 7th, 2024 By Louise Lampara Executive Director Ventura County Coalition of Labor Agriculture and Business Email: California is the proud home to some of the nation’s most productive agricultural regions, producing over 1/3rd of all the fruits and nuts consumed…

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Help Shape the Vision of the 2020 General Plan Update

As the County puts together it’s 2020 General Plan Update, it is asking for public input on the Vision and Guiding Principles. These set the stage for the role the County sees itself playing in nearly every aspect of county life including infrastructure, housing, economic development and the environment. CoLAB has been at the forefront…

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Agriculture, SOAR and the General Plan Update

When the County SOAR ordinance was passed in 2016, the voters were assured through glossy mailers that the purpose was to “save agriculture” and many were convinced it would be helpful for farmers. Now that the no-growth mandate has been adopted until 2050 countywide, we are seeing less recognition and support for solutions from elected…

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Wishtoyo overstates claims in lawsuit against United

Environmental groups quickly declared victory in a recent U.S. District Court ruling over United Water Conservation District’s operations at the Vern Freeman Diversion. However, in spite of their claims, the ruling appears to have denied them many of their demands, while requiring United and the federal government to work more closely together to develop an alternative…

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Outdoor event ordinance improved through CoLAB engagement

The County of Ventura has imposed a series of new restrictions on large outdoor gatherings on private property in the unincorporated areas of the county. The new rules place limits on the number of people a property owner can host, restricts the total number of events that can be held in any one year, and…

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CoLAB-organized meeting with water users, NOAA sees results

VC CoLAB organized a highly anticipated meeting on August 8 between local water users, businesses, organized labor and managers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The meeting produced a valuable discussion over balancing competing needs for water from the Santa Clara River including water supply for cities, farms and other businesses, and protection…

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Board Doubles Down on Failed Housing Policies

Cities and civic organizations across the county are holding sometimes contentious conversations about density, growth and the future of housing in Ventura County. However, some members of the Board of Supervisors appear increasingly married to the idea that little needs to change in the county unincorporated areas to solve the region’s dire housing crisis. The…

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Facing down a freight train of fire

Canada Larga canyon was a windstorm. The trees bent and nearly buckled as the westerly wind howled down the canyon. Smoke smell permeated everything and the moon was a bright blood orange. The fire was coming fast. Buon Gusto Farms, a local family-run olive oil producer, is nestled in a small micro-climate valley in Sulphur…

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